Stripping audio or video files is the process of removing any and all of the META data (the non-audio and non-video content) from the file to create a 100% completely clean file.
Many music files submitted to us by our artists and labels have information in them in addition to the actual audio or video content. This is called META data and is information left inside your files by any mastering software, file conversion (transcoding) software, by iTunes, or put there on purpose by someone handling your files. Often, our clients’ files have content such as “Mastered by xyz software” or “Converted by John Doe” or “Created on 01/01/2020” or sometimes complete junk data. Some files have completely mis-assigned information with the title in the Artist field or the file name in the Record Label field or similar errors. Many of our clients weren’t even aware that this information was in their files.
We are here to help you fix this. Let our professionals handle your file stripping for you! The cost is only $5 per audio/video recording. Click here to order now!
There are a few reasons to consider file stripping:
No, it does not.
Many services such as Internet Radio, MTV, VH1, BET, many traditional radio stations, and many others still require submission of song and video files that are fully embedded with correct META data (your ISRC, UPC, Artist, Title, etc.). Fully embedded versions of your files are also highly recommended for your submissions to the U.S. Copyright Office at so that the file is copyrighted with all of your codes and information already in it.
Therefore, it is our recommendation that you have a set of stripped and a set of fully embedded versions of your audio and video files. This way you are ready for submission to whomever wants it either stripped or fully embedded.
1st Go to our Order Page or call us at +1-404-869-0701 or toll free at 1-877-872-2060.
2nd Place your order.
You will then receive an email with instructions on how to send us your song or video files and information to be stripped of META data.
No, it will not. Our software is not capable of accessing the music or video portion of your files. Since we only work with the metadata portion of your files, our work does not affect the actual audio or video content portion of your file in any way. It is important to us to respect and protect the integrity of our customers’ work!
We deliver your stripped files back to you via email or download link on the same business day (Monday – Friday) if you complete the order and supply us your files before 4pm EST.
If you only have one file to be verified, you can send it to us via email. For several tracks, especially videos, you may upload your files to our file exchange server by clicking here (be sure to reference your order number!) or use your own online storage service like WeTransfer, Google Drive, or Dropbox, or a music sharing site.
Some authoring software and online music services allow you to display some of the META information that is inside your files. Extremely few are capable of displaying all of it. Hence the importance of hiring a professional to do this.
If you have the required tools and the professional skills to access ALL of the metadata of the file yourself and remove it, then sure, you could. But at only $5 a song/video, why would you want to?
Save yourself the time, work, and risk of missing some and allow our ISRC professionals handle the file stripping for you. You can order right here.
Some of the online music distribution services (aggregators) are now requesting that the files submitted to them be stripped of all META data. Mediabase (the service used to track airplay) also wants files submitted to them to be stripped of any META data.
We offer file stripping of the following formats:
Available formats continually grow as technology evolves. If your files are in a format that you do not see listed above, please contact us to see if we can help.
Unlike most audio files that we see, MP4 video files generally come to us quite clean of junk META data. It seems that video editing suites are less prone to insert junk data than audio mastering/transcoding software. One notable exception is ClipChamp. This video editor does insert a junk advertising tag and does so right in the comments fields that most people can readily see (even with the paid version).
Hence, if your videos were professionally created, you might be safe foregoing the cleaning/stripping prior to the embedding of the MP4 videos with the video ISRC, UPC, video title, artist, etc. If, however, you are unsure of how your videos were created, it may be safer to just strip them.