Do I need a separate ISRC code for my videos (full motion picture music videos, visualizer videos, lyric or static-image videos, and teaser/commercial videos)?

Yes, you do. The registrants must be able to distinguish between the ISRCs that are assigned to audio and those that are assigned to video. Conventionally, video ISRCs are identified with a “9” in position #8 of the 12-digit video ISRC code.

Please note, you will need separate unique ISRC codes for different types of your videos:

  • full motion picture music videos,
  • visualizer videos,
  • lyric or static-image videos,
  • teaser/commercial videos,
  • explicit vs. TV versions of your videos.

The META data (ISRC Code, UPC, Artist Name, Video Title, Recording Year, etc.) are then embedded into the MP4 video files.